Feeling bored? Well I have a solution for you! :-) Humor me and check out my Johari window… you just pick the five or six words that best describe me… It will be interesting to see how people perceive me. :-)
I am proud of myself; I did ALL my ironing tonight. I don’t know why I dislike ironing, but I do, so usually after 2 shirts I decide I’m done. Tonight, I had a total of 6 shirts and I did them all. :-) Now I can put away my ironing board guilt-free, and that will help with my attempt to clean my apartment. Baby steps, folks… One thing at a time and I don’t get overwhelmed.
Paul comes on Sunday! I think I may have found a place for me to stay; I hope it works out. Paul will stay in my apartment and all will be good. I think him staying in my apartment will help him feel it’s more “his” and not as much as him moving in with me when we get married. Also, he’ll get acquainted with the cats and hopefully will be comfortable with them. And, assuming that this place works out, I will get the chance to get to know better one of the women from my church.
Okay blogging break over. Next on my cleaning list is the cat box. THEN… work on my parents’ newsletter. Fun stuff. :-) Don’t forget to check out my Johari window!