

I have nothing interesting to say, especially after Becky’s exciting news, so I will do a little survey (from Nichole). :-)
1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? No, unless you count the standard bomb-searching procedure we ran into all the time in Peru.
2. Do you close your eyes on rollercoasters? I can’t stand roller coasters.
3. Don’t know what happened to this one.
4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? Right now, alone. I’m used to having the double bed all to myself and I move a lot during my sleep. Once I’m married I’ll probably change my mind. Oh, I like sleeping with my cats, does that count?
5. Do you believe in Ghosts? I believe in the supernatural, but not in dead people who haven’t “crossed over”
6. Do you consider yourself creative? Probably, but I’m more right-brained than a lot of graphic designers. I have a hard time coming up with original ideas.
7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife? Oh gosh, I was like 12 when that happened. I have no clue. I think this question dates the person who came up with this survey. ;-)
8. Who do you want to become president in ’08? To be honest, I don’t even know who’s running.
9. Can you honestly say you know anything about politics? Not as much as I should.
10. Do you know how to play poker? Yep.
11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? I’ve pulled two all-nighters in a row a few times. Once was right before my friend Beth’s wedding. I fell asleep at the rehearsal dinner. :-)
12. Do you kill bugs that are in the house? Well if I don’t the cats will.
13. Have you ever cheated on a test? Once in 7th grade. I got caught and felt instant remorse. It was a Bible test, too. I was bad.
14. If you’re driving in the middle of the night, & no ones around…do you go through red lights? I can’t bring myself to do that, but at Taylor I used to go through stop signs sometimes on my way home to Fairlane.
15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? If I do, it’s nothing important. I pretty much tell everything to Paul.
16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? Anyone but the Yankees.
17. Have you ever Ice Skated? Yes; my favorite is Paul teaching me to ice skate. *smile*
18. How often do you remember your dreams? Most nights.
19. When was the last time you laughed so hard you were crying? A few nights ago my cat was cracking me up and I laughed for 10 minutes straight. It felt good.
20. Can you name 5 songs by The Beatles? I probably would recognize them if I heard them…
22. Do you believe in love at first sight? I think it’s more attraction at first sight (or lust at first sight).
23. How many times have you been in love? Just once… not counting silly high school crushes.
24. Do you always wear your seatbelt? Yes.
25. What talent do you wish you had? Hmm I wish I had more self discipline. Is that a talent?
26. Do you like Sushi? Not really. I can’t get past the texture.
27. Have you ever narrowly avoided a fatal accident? I don’t think so, but I don’t know how many times my “guardian angel” rescues me without my knowledge. *smile*
28. What do you wear to bed? Sweat pants and a T-shirt. In the summers I usually trade the shirt for a sports bra.
30. Do you like President Bush? Let’s not go here.
31. Do you truly hate anyone? I don’t think so, but there are definitely people who make me angry when thinking about them.
32. Do you give money to homeless people? Not directly; I was taught that too often they use the money for drugs so it’s better to give to an organization or give them clothes and food instead of just straight money.
33. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? Didn’t I say I like to sleep alone? Oh, you mean THAT kind of sleep…
34. Have you ever gotten a stranger’s phone number or gave them yours? Once my friend and I got a stranger’s number, but it’s was because we were gringas (American) and he was trying to hit on us. My friend called him, too, but nothing ever came of it.
35. Do you appreciate poetry? Sometimes. Probably not as much as I should.
36. Do you know how to play chess? Yes but I’m HORRIBLE.
37. What food do you find disgusting? Mustard. Ick.
38. Did you ever play, “I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours”? You know, I didn’t even get this question at first. I’m thankful for my innocent childhood.
39. When’s the last time you were onstage? I guess you could call the Christmas cantata on “stage”… or every week singing from the choir loft.
40. How was your day today? I’m exhausted. But it was a gorgeous day.
41. Have you ever been punched in the face? Once accidentally when I was 12. This boy jumped out and scared me. I felt really bad.
42. When is the last time you threw up from drinking too much? Never.
43. Have you ever walked out on a movie at the theater? Not that I can remember.
44. What’s your favorite kind of juice? Anything with berries.
45. Do you have any addictions? Right now I’m addicted to the internet – blogs and forums. I need to learn to do it at home and not while I’m at work.
46. Are you a romantic? Do you like to date romantics? I think I can be, and so can Paul.
47. Have you ever been stood up? All the time by the youth group in high school. I was very happy to graduate and leave.
48. Who’s the last person you hugged? Oh gosh I don’t even know the last time I hugged someone. Probably my family at Christmas.
49. What are you currently reading? My Bible. I’m “between books”.
50. Tag five people to do this survey! Whoever wants to do it. :-)

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