hats, curtains, and The Tempest
I feel like a lot has happened in the last few days, and I’m debating about whether to combine it all, or spread it out in separate posts.
This weekend was quite eventful: We were allowed to go home early on Friday because we were all distracted and we weren’t very busy. I enjoyed the few hours to myself; I cleaned my apartment and washed the dishes. Friday night I went to see The Tempest, produced by a drama school, which was quite good. The Tempest is a play I’ve been wanting to read/see for a while, because one of my favorite books is based on the play (This Rough Magic, by Mary Stewart).
After the play, I went to Susan’s house for the night, and on Saturday we finished making curtains! Pictures to come, when I hang them. They look really nice! Susan and I also went out in search of a WW2 hat for the Christmas musical I’m in at church, but we were unsuccessful.
Yesterday I blew off our voluntary choir practice and drove over to Marietta Square, where I was successful in my hat search. Yay! I am now experimenting with different hairstyles. My hair has gotten quite long and I’m trying to take advantage of that.
I also bought filler items for my Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. I’m really excited about it! However, I had a difficult time figuring out what little girls would want. What does a 2-4 year old play with? I saw one mother and her toddler and I tried to hear what the little girl was excited about. Me and my conniving ways. ;-)
I spent about 2 hours shopping for stuff, but I’m pretty satisfied with my purchases. I think next year I’ll try and shop throughout the year for OCC stuff… Getting stuff on sale would be cheaper, I’m sure… Then I could do more shoeboxes.
So I decided to put everything in one post, so I apologize for the length. It’s just easier that way. :-) Now, back to work, or at least something related to work since our servers are down and I can’t actually work. :-p