those weird math people
So yesterday I spent the day in Buford with the Garrisons, sewing my curtains. I enjoyed the day for the most part, but then towards the evening something really strange happened. We were having a pleasant conversation when, out of nowhere, Mr. Garrison says something about the first perfect square of some special set of numbers being 144. Susan was estatic over this, since 144 is her favorite number. Now, this wouldn’t have been so bad… except the conversation didn’t stop there. Okay, finding out something cool about your favorite number I can understand excitement, but this seemed to be like they just found out they’d won a million dollars. I mean, it’s a number. Paper and pencil, calculators, and computers came out as they set about to calculate I don’t know what. I tried to divert the conversation to talk about something like color, but I seemed to be the only one interested in that subject. I had the opportunity to leave to take care of the neighbor’s dog, which was a nice break, but it all started again when I came back. They had found the first 1000 Fibinacci numbers (i KNOW I’m spelling that wrong) and were equally estatic to discover that 144 seemed to be the only perfect square. I think I zoned out at this point. I was trying to figure out when would be a good time to take my leave without offending them. I mean, math is important of course, but seriously, I can handle this news much better. Eventually they seemed to notice my blank stare and we retreated to the TV room to watch Mary Tyler Moore. Ah, blessed relief. No more talk of math until I left, for which I was greatful. Sheesh, the things I put up with for simple curtains. At least I got a doll out of the deal. And stationary.
Disclaimer: This post is written entirely in jest and not meant to offend the Garrisons, good friends whom I really enjoy. I am looking forward to next weekend when I return to finish the curtains. I still don’t understand (or care) about math, though. I’m sorry.