just when you think things can't get any worse

just when you think things can't get any worse

Just when you think things can’t get any worse, you fall flat on your face. Literally.

I was walking to Fairlane last night and tripped on Upland’s wonderfully uneven sidewalks. I was unable to keep my balance and before I knew it, I fell to the ground. I don’t remember much… I know I hit my head, breaking my glasses. I cried all the way back to Fairlane and on further inspection I found I had ripped up my left hand (it was bleeding alot), tore a hold in my jeans, scraped up both knees, and my wrists ached.

I didn’t need this, God.

On top of that, I have officially lost my voice. Also, a third hurricane is headed for Florida. I am scared to think of what else can go wrong now.

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