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Category: Babies

how far is too far?

how far is too far?

When it comes to children, our country is extremely paranoid. I mean, how many laws and rules do we have because kids *might* be injured? I think I notice it more because I grew up in a country without most of those kinds of laws. I’m not saying that they’re all bad, but sometimes I wonder if we’ve gone too far. Now that I’m researching stuff for our own kid, I’m seeing “warnings” out there that make me wonder. Obviously…

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out of town visitors and showers

out of town visitors and showers

My sister is on her way back up to college, and she recently acquired a new car (truck, actually). It’s a manual transmission and it’s the first time my sister has driven stick, so my mom accompanied her as far as Atlanta to make sure everything went smoothly. They arrived last Tuesday and my mom flew back to Orlando today. It was really great spending the week with them! But, it also explains my lack of blogging this week. They…

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countdown and list-making

countdown and list-making

As the summer goes into full-swing, I’m realizing that I have 9-ish weeks now left to prepare for Baby Sparkleberry. So being the organized list-maker I am, I am trying to get an idea of what I still need to do. A lot of it depends on if we’re moving or not, and we won’t know the answer to that question until July 31st at the latest. 1. Research vaccinations and decide which ones and when I want them administered….

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