what to read?
So I am looking for book suggestions, since I have finished rereading my entire Mary Stewart collection. I’m looking for a story/narrative – either fiction or biographical. I don’t want to read a self-help book or cultural commentary or anything like that. When I’m ready for one, I plan to pick up The FairTax Book. For now… I’m wanting a story. A story I can get into quickly, because I’m horrible about putting down books (like Pride and Prejudice… and Emma…. and The Scarlet Letter…). And – not to start a debate – but I’ll just say right now that Harry Potter doesn’t interest me at all. :-) Sorry for all you avid fans who were getting excited to recommend that series. I’ve already read Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia. I’m looking for something I haven’t read yet.
Anyways, so what recommendations do you have for what I should read next?