it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
Actually the weather is gorgeous here – low 70s, beautiful and sunny. Today Paul and I drove around after church with the sunroof open and the windows down.. . I feel like I’m in Florida! :-) We have had a delightful weekend, busily finishing up Christmas shopping (we hope to get everything mailed tomorrow to the relatives in Massachusetts and California). Last Wednesday night we went caroling with our church, which was a lot of fun! I haven’t been caroling since my junior year at Taylor, and this time it was much warmer! ;-) Everyone in the neighborhood seemed to enjoy the caroling too. Paul and I decided next year we want to dress up in Old English costumes and go caroling. What do you say? Anyone with me? We’re willing to drive as far away as, say, Buford. ;-)
This coming week will be a blur of Christmas parties and packing before we leave to Orlando on Friday. We’ve decided to avoid the Saturday traffic and leave after work Friday night. Traveling at night is better, anyways, for us since it isn’t as hot and it’s easier to leave the kitties in the car as we go eat dinner and such.
This morning in church we sang a beautiful arrangement of “Mary Did You Know?”, which I loved. Today is our last Sunday at our church until after Christmas, which is weird because Christmas seems so far away! It’s hard to believe that my birthday is only 9 days away!
Work has been extremely busy this past week. We kinda got slammed with more jobs than we expected (usually we’re rather slow at this time of year) so we were scrambling to get them all done. On top of that, I also had a website to finish. Oh! I don’t think I mentioned it, but I won an award for a website I did at work. I got the “gold” award which is like 2nd place. Our company did really well – I think we won an award for 6 of the 9 entries we submitted. Anyway, we were all excited and I’m happy for something cool to add to my resume. :-) The client I did the website for was tickled and sent me a bouquet of cookies in congratulations.
Today is a nice, lazy Sunday. We are enjoying it. :-) I think we’ll try to decorate a gingerbread house this afternoon, as well as get the Christmas presents all packaged up. Only 8 more days until Christmas!