two weeks from today
In two weeks, my life will be forever changed. What is normal now will never be normal again. (That was for you, Susan.) I’m kinda scared, but mostly excited. I have only fallen more in love with Paul as our wedding date has approached. I think it took a little adjusting when he moved here after 2 years of being apart, but I have gotten over that and now I see even more wonderful things about the man I am committing to spend the rest of my life with. I can’t believe it’s only two weeks away.
As the countdown is dwindling, I have been getting more and more excited. Today I woke up when my alarm went off at 7:30am. And I never went back to sleep. I love how on the one day I can sleep in, I’m bouncing out of bed earlier than I would for work! I’m really pumped up – about the wedding, about getting to see my mom this afternoon, about going to the Garrisons tomorrow. A lot is happening tomorrow, actually. After church, we are going over the music for the ceremony with the pianist and organist. Then I will be trying on my dress for the seamstress, doing last-minute alterations and making sure it’s bustle-able. My uncle and cousin are also coming to drop off an old stackable washer & dryer of theirs that they are giving us. Then we’re going to the Garrisons. If we have time, Paul and I are thinking of driving looking at apartments for Paul’s brother who is thinking of moving to Atlanta. Busy day! Then comes Monday, which starts the last full work week for Ashley P.
So I’m a little bouncing off the walls right now. I might get more subdued, but something tells me this is just the beginning of escalating excitement until July 29th. :-)