I made it! It was quite a trip… I’d really rather not go into it, but God really didn’t want me to leave on Tuesday so He did everything possible to delay my trip. I was able to get out Wednesday morning, and made it down here in 7 hours. Yay! And for those who think I speed, I set the cruise to 75 and didn’t mess with it for the rest of the trip. I only stopped once for lunch and gas, which I think is what made the difference, and I didn’t stay long because of the kitties. They were pretty good. Ebony yowled for the first half hour… I finally noticced that anytime I paid attention to her, she would meow but if I ignored her she was quiet. Silly kitty.
But now I’m here in Orlando with my family. My mom and grandmother both have the flu, so they’ve been in bed. :-( I hope they feel better soon… My grandmother is going to the doctor today, which is probably a good thing. My mom seems to be better too, so hopefully both will be fine by Christmas. Only 3 more days! And four more days until my birthday. ;-)
Okay, it’s December, and I have lots of shout-outs. Happy birthday to Kaspar last Monday (the 19th)… Beth B.’s anniversary was on Tuesday (the 20th). Today is Matt’s birthday, and tomorrow is Zay’s birthday! My former roommate, Sara, is getting married tomorrow as well. Then Jesus’ birthday on Sunday. :-) Am I forgetting anyone?
Time for some Christmas shopping. And spending time with my family, which is one of my favorite parts of Christmas! Merry Christmas, everyone!