positive outlook on life

positive outlook on life

I tend to be a negative person. I assume the worst, and sometimes others find it hard to put up with me when I’m in one of those moods because all I can focus on is the negative. I get into a “poor me” attitude, and when I look back at myself, I am ashamed. A good example is last fall… I know people got tired of hearing me complain, but I immaturely continued to complain to everyone about how much I hated certain things that had happened in my life. I am apologizing now to those people… you know who you are. I’m very sorry for being like that, and I am sorry for all the bitterness I’ve had towards you because you didn’t always listen to me or sometimes you dared to tell me the truth about my behavior.

I’m not sure what really prompted this sudden thinking of mine… But as I’ve been writing blogs and reading other people’s blogs, I’ve realize the most interesting are the ones that are positive and not someone just complaining about life. I can understand venting, but constant negativity is hard to take, especially when you tend to be a negative person already. I think I want to try and write about the positive things in life, because I could so easily complain of loneliness or of long work days or of constant headaches. But that’s not interesting for you to read. It’s not just that, though. Once I start focusing on the positive, it will probably help me in my whole life, as I seek to find something to write about that’s good… Not saying the bad days won’t happen, but it will become easier to be optimistic. This will help me a lot in my attitude.

I hold you to keep me accountable to this. :-) Call me on negativity! But please don’t be brutal… this is very new for this pessamist. But I will try! And I know that I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.

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