Mary Stewart
One thing I love about summer is the chance to read. I just finished a book entitled This Rough Magic, by Mary Stewart. Let me recommend Mary Stewart to anyone who loves light adventure/romance without all the sex. They’re incredibly entertaining and I love being able to detect her British speech in the way she writes. (“That outfit is smashing, Lucy.”) My favorite books by her are:
– The Moon-Spinners
– The Ivy Tree
– Airs Above Ground
– Nine Coaches Waiting
(This list was supposed to be shorter, but I couldn’t narrow it down.)
I’m also reading two other books in preparation for marriage, The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Laura Schlessinger and Getting Ready for the Wedding edited by Les and Leslie Parrott. I haven’t started the latter yet (with the exception of the introduction) so I can’t comment on it yet, but the former I am enjoying so far.