I’m sorry for disappearing from this blog. A few things have been happening. First of all, sometime around Christmas my camera battery died. And when I went to look for the charger, I couldn’t find it. So, I have not been able to take any pictures of our new backyard. I need to either buy a new one or look harder… I’m excited to share our grass, which we had put in around the beginning of November!!
I also repainted a dresser for my daughters’s room, which turned out pretty awesome. I took all the “before” pictures but again, need the camera for the after pictures.
I want to change the name of this blog but I’m stumped for a good name. But once I do, I’d like to be pretty regular about posting here. You know, the project Tuesday I originally intended to do. We’ve lived here almost 2.5 years now and I still have yet to hang anything on the walls. I really should get on that!
With a new arrival expected this summer, I haven’t had any energy to do anything other than basic household chores. I am hoping that changes, because I really want to use this blog to keep myself motivated to provide a nice home for our family. Anyway, that’s what’s going on here.