Our house is 51 years old. Ever since moving here, I have been very interested in knowing what life was like in the 60s, so I could better understand what sort of life the original owners lived when they moved here. What did their kitchen look like? How did they put their living room furniture? How did they decorate, and did they like the dark paneling in the bedrooms? In some ways, I think it will help me decorate our house to compliment the features (especially because our house hasn’t been updated much from how it looked originally).
Today I was playing around with Photoshop, and I liked how this picture turned out. I took it yesterday, but it looks like it was taken in the 60s (minus the car!). Maybe when we finish painting the front I’ll take another one and be sure to move the car to the street first. :-)
(Someday I want to make this picture into a header for this blog.)