I haven’t been writing in here recently because there hasn’t been much to update. Projects have come to a standstill while we start saving money to fix the foundation. I am hoping to save it in a year, so that 2012 can be focused on projects like the kitchen and bathroom. Originally, we were planning on getting the backyard fixed right now, but I am not sure about that either. If they’re going to be bringing in bobcats and digging holes to fix the foundation, I kinda don’t want them to do that over new grass, you know what I mean? However, the question remains how bad is the lack of drainage? Can we wait another year to fix it? How much worse is the foundation going to be if we wait?
We’d like to spend this spring working on making our yard look nice, manual labor. I still need to redeem my Groupon. I tried to redeem it at the end of the summer, but I think they got overwhelmed and when I tried to make my appointment they said they weren’t redeeming any more Groupons through the end of October, and then it was winter and seemed silly to have someone come cut my grass. I’m thinking in a month or two will be a great time to redeem it!
One project I have for the spring is I’d like to paint the shutters. I’ve been thinking about it a while, and will write a separate blog post about it later. Exciting! :-)