I wrote about how we cleaned up our yard about a month ago here.
Unfortunately, I don’t really have any before pictures, except for this one. This is the front flower bed with the cement in it:
My dad helped us dig up all the cement, and then we got rid of the pieces that day that we cleaned it all up. Here is the after picture that I took with my cell phone:
As you can see, we still need to sift all the stones and tiny pieces of cement. But, it’s getting there!! The day after I took the pictures, it rained and our flower bed becomes a pond when that happens! (As does the rest of our yard.) So… I guess we’ll have to figure out what to do about that before I can plant flowers. There is another flower bed on the other side of the front door that still has cement. Someday I’ll tackle that one. Someday, someday…
I wish I had a before shot of our backyard! But here is the “after” picture:
The trash was all piled high towards the left. Afterwards, I raked the whole backyard:
I know, it looks less impressive when you don’t know what it looked like before. :-) Our Bagster bag after we were done:
We couldn’t pile it higher than the sides of the bag, or we would have put a LOT more stuff inside. :-) It’s good to get rid of everything we did, though! It really made a world of difference in our yard.