Originally posted at twentysixcats.com
We have the pleasure of having a yard that’s lower than our neighbor’s. So, when it rains, all the water goes pouring into our backyard. We need to make some sort of irrigation system that will divert the water to the stream that is back behind the property, because the water is making the ground soft and the foundation weak. But in the meantime, this is what we see every time it rains:
It has been raining hard all night and all morning. This picture was taken a few days ago, but that’s pretty much what it looks like now. I am not sure how to go about solving this problem – you would you contact with a problem like this? Landscaper?
By the way, I was thinking about how a year ago we were praying for rain because Atlanta was in a drought. There were watering bans and restrictions, and we weren’t sure if there was going to be enough water for the city! God has a sense of humor because he answered our prayers – and sent us all the rain we’ve been missing over the past few years at once. :-) I sure am getting tired of rain. Especially when it’s cold, but not cold enough for snow. :-(
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